

TestBrew Website
This awesome!! Website.
Git spell check
Git hook for spelling check
Using spock annotations
Using spock annotations for running tests suites (smoke/regression/flaky/etc)
Java Selenium example
An example project for using Java and Selenium to run tests on Google Maps. Tests examples included.
Groovy Spock example
An example project for using Groovy and Spock test framework to split user names. Tests examples included.
SeleniumBase visual inspection (Website + PDF) example
A small proof of concept using GitLab and SeleniumBase (Python) to run visual inspection on the Website and PDF documents. I have created a simple project for you to use which is based on the SeleniumBase examples.
Job Trigger Automation
Used GitLab API to trigger jobs.
Slack Announcement automation
Used Slack API to send Webhooks. The project is so you can reuse the script on all other projects.
©2022, Built with ❤️ and appreciation using Gatsby and Typescript